With these tips, your association's site can stay ahead of the curve and be at its best. Get the tips here.

CMS Implementation

Thoughtful and reliable custom .NET CMS implementations — built to solve complex content problems.

A part of your team, no matter the scale.

There’s a tendency for development to seem complex and rigid. On the contrary: web development should focus on the person — the editor, the site visitor, and the future developer.

At Blend, we build sites for the future. This means your site isn’t complex and rigid: it’s built to be extensible, adaptable, and prepared for whatever comes next.

This also means our team is just as extensible and adaptable — we fit your project where you need it most, whether it's a full-scope, start-to-finish design implementation, or consultation with your existing development team for advanced installs and integrations.

All the good ideas in one place.

While we specialize in .NET CMS implementations from Optimizely and Umbraco, your project benefits from decades of experience across the content management landscape — from Drupal and Wordpress to Sitecore and Contentful.

What does this mean for your project? It means a cross-polination of ideas, concepts, and best practices. Your audiences deserve more than a one-trick pony — we make sure you’re getting the exact solutions you need.

Coaching and co-development.

Sometimes you don’t need a full development project. Sometimes you just need a little help. Our history and experience developing custom Optimizely (formerly Episerver) and Umbraco solutions equips us to provide top-shelf co-development alongside your existing development team.

Our goal is to set you up for success — both with this engagement and beyond.

Related work.

Check out some of the work we’ve done in the field of .NET implementation.

View all of our work.

A Progressive Trade Show App that Connected Without Connectivity

Using Umbraco Heartcore, Blend helped Raven Industries create a trade show application that allowed for easy editorial access while being completely internet-free under the trade show tent.

Moving a Bank from Design to Umbraco Implementation

Western State Bank had a design that needed to be implemented within Umbraco. Thankfully, that’s exactly what Blend was able to help them do.

Resources on .NET development.

We’ve written at length, both here and beyond, on .NET development.

Input Sanitizing and Common Pitfalls of User Input

Joe Kepley

With the rise of malicious bots on the Internet, websites are becoming more vulnerable to data breaches. Implementing sanitizing techniques can protect your website and your users.

July 9, 2024

Optimizely Release Notes — March-April 2024

Bob Davidson

The following release notes highlight major or interesting changes in Optimizely's products from March and April 2024.

May 28, 2024

Optimizely Release Notes — January-February 2024

Bob Davidson

The following release notes highlight major or interesting changes in Optimizely's products from January and February 2024.

March 15, 2024

Introducing Blend's Little Import Tool

Bob Davidson

Content migration is difficult — really difficult. Which is why Blend has taken our decades of migration experience and developed Blend's Little Import Tool — a utility for improving the import process

March 8, 2024

Check out our most recent articles on development.