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Building Confidence: The Hidden Content Deliverable Off-site link

When we sign a contract for content work – whether it’s working with a client as a consultant or accepting a position within a large company – we do so with the expectation of deliverables. But what if the biggest deliverable is simply to help clients understand what they're expected to manage in the first place?

January 19, 2012 | Eating Elephant

Editorial Triggers: A GatherContent Advent Calendar Video Off-site link

Blend's Corey Vilhauer was invited to submit a video for GatherContent's 2017 Advent Calendar. He spoke about editorial triggers - a small but important addition to an organization's content calendar.

December 18, 2017 | Eating Elephant

Clarifying our Vocabulary: The Words We Use Off-site link

The chasm of understanding between consultant and client is a dangerous hurdle. Our job as content experts is to understand that, despite the promises and assurances we make in terms of a client’s content, our own explanations and processes are tangled, weirdly worded, and sometimes impossible to decipher.

January 31, 2013 | Eating Elephant

Turning Card Sort Lemons into Content Strategy Lemonade Off-site link

If there’s one skill that is too often overlooked in the web strategy industry, it’s the act of continuing to find useful information in what seems to be rubbish data.

October 13, 2011 | Eating Elephant

Fixing Email: When Content Strategy Spills Into the Inbox Off-site link

A reminder that content strategy goes beyond the HTML page: that email and follow-through are important as well.

September 2, 2011 | Eating Elephant

Episode 9: Develop a Strategy for Your Content (w/ Kristina Halvorson) Off-site link

Corey and Deane talk a little about that time Kristina Halvorson (founder of Brain Traffic, co-author of Content Strategy for the Web, and executive producer of Confab and Button) visited Sioux Falls. Then, Kristina chats with us about content strategy — defining content strategy vs. content design, what tasks are often overlooked, and some basics on spinning up an internal web content team — including a bit of conference talk about the upcoming Button Conference.

July 19, 2022 | The Web Project Guide Podcast

Episode 10: Organize Your Content (w/ Lisa Maria Marquis) Off-site link

Corey and Deane chat about Information Architecture for the World Wide Web — ”The Polar Bear Book” — and then our experiences with information organization in real life. Then, Lisa Maria Marquis, author of Everyday Information Architecture and You Should Write a Book, joins to discuss how to frame information architecture for those who aren’t web people, the hidden biases in organizing content, and a bit about why you should write your own book. (We also take a critical look at Lisa Maria’s bookshelf.)

August 16, 2022 | The Web Project Guide Podcast

Episode 12: Write for People and Machines (w/Sarah Winters) Off-site link

Corey and Deane talk briefly about how hard it is to run a conference. Then, Sarah Winters, founder of Content Design London and author of Content Design, joins to discuss the difference between content design and content strategy, writing and designing for accessibility, and the work it takes to turn a big ship toward lasting content change.

October 13, 2022 | The Web Project Guide Podcast

Episode 11: Model Your Content (w/ Jeff Eaton) Off-site link

Corey and Deane chat about the first time they realized they really liked content modeling, and how modeling is the hidden language of content.  Then, Jeff Eaton, partner at Autogram, joins to define content modeling, the concept of content reuse (and its many issues), and the balance between philosophical modeling and actually doing the work in spreadsheets.

September 15, 2022 | The Web Project Guide Podcast

Episode 21: Migrate and Populate the Content (w/ Carrie Hane) Off-site link

Corey and Deane discuss an old migration project. Then, Carrie Hane, Principal Digital Strategist at Sanity and co-author of Designing Connected Content, joins to talk about preparing content for site migration — how good content modeling helps set up a site for future success, the psychological side of migrations, and a few horror stories from Carrie and Deane. Carrie graciously insists this is not the most depressing episode yet.

July 18, 2023 | The Web Project Guide Podcast