With these tips, your association's site can stay ahead of the curve and be at its best. Get the tips here.


Your goal is to help patients navigate the complexities of the healthcare system. Our goal is to help you get there.

Helping patients — and your team — navigate the online healthcare experience.

Hospitals, clinics, and health technology all depend on integrating scores of information sources. At Blend, we’ve been working with healthcare organizations to bring this level of integration to their web properties since Blend was first created.

What this means for you is a solution to your healthcare content needs based on two decades of work, combining our best practices with your unique content model. It’s the best of both worlds, all within your own custom tool.

  • Personalization to provide the right content to the right people at the right time
  • A system designed to cross-promote services, highlight providers, and lead to more effective calls-to-action
  • Editorial models that allow for creation across departments, with the appropriate approvals
  • Integration with existing systems to help streamline content and keep things up to date

But don’t take it from us. View some of our work in the healthcare system, and contact us today to better understand the path your content can take.

Children's Hospitals

Building trust and connection for patients of children's hospitals through adaptable and seamless web design.

Specializing in Children's Hospitals

Your Children's Hospital juggles dozens of content channels, all relying on one another to process, inform, coordinate, and communicate. It's important to have a website that brings it all together seamlessly. Blend has been working with children's hospitals since day one to help reach their goals.

Related healthcare work.

Learn a bit more about the projects we’ve handled in the healthcare services space.

View all healthcare studies.

A New Site to Pair With A New Front Door

Brookings Health System wanted to create a new front door for the hospital — both literally and digitally.

Understanding Every Element and How It Fits Together

A design audit helped us better understand the scope of the existing site, which in turn helped us make better decisions.

Developing a Roadmap for Digital Transformation

Gaining alignment across multiple departments for a new direction, a new content team, and a brand new CMS.

Discovery and Content Modeling to Fit a Larger Brand

By mapping local needs to a national design model, Blend and Delta Dental South Dakota combined the best of both systems.

Keeping the Identities of Hospital Providers Up to Date

Our integration with existing hospital provider data allows a prominent children's hospital a chance to keep provider info up to date in one simple place.

Who we work with.

We’re very specific in the systems we partner with. And we’re very specific in who we recommend YOU work with. Which means you can be sure that you’re getting exactly the right solution — enterprise, open-source, .NET, integrations — for your project.


As a Gold Partner and past Partner of the Year, we have a long track record of successful projects with Optimizely (formerly Episerver).


As one of Umbraco's Platinum Partners, we have both consulted on and developed for Umbraco, the "Friendly" CMS.


Blend is an official implementation and sales partner of SiteImprove.