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How to Prepare Your Site for Migration

With the recent CMS platform mergers, many organizations are looking at moving off their current CMS and onto something new. Blend explains what you can expect.



  • Content and IA
  • Development

Are you ready to move to a new CMS, but unsure how you're going to migrate your content? You know that you’re bound to run into issues associated with the migration of your site content, templates, and other assets from one platform to another and have questions about how to plan out a successful migration.

With the recent CMS platform mergers, many organizations are looking at moving off their current CMS and onto something new. This webinar, which was done in partnership with Siteport, goes over what you can expect in a content migration project and how you can prepare your site (and organization) for a migration.

Video is below, with slides below that.

More from Deane Barker.

Deane Barker is co-author of The Web Project Guide, and co-host of The Web Project Guide Podcast.

Deane was a founder of Blend Interactive, and this article was written during his time at Blend. However, if you're looking for more from Deane, check out his personal site.

Related work.

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