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Blend Introduces Summer Hours

In an effort to spread a bit of summer cheer, Blend is officially implementing Summer Hours. More sun. More fun. Shorter Friday hours.

May 31, 2018

Corey Vilhauer on The Write Now Podcast

Blend's User Experience Architect Corey Vilhauer was a guest on The Write Now Podcast with Sarah Werner this week, where the two of them discussed everything from how life changes the writing process to how to find a voice through practice and failure.

December 5, 2017 | The Write Now Podcast

Bike to Work Week 2017 Gets Blend Team Moving

Not only did we ride our bikes, but one of us won a t-shirt, too. 

May 24, 2017

Blend Developers Earn Episerver Certification

Josh, Bob, and Stephanie prove their development skills are at top level by passing Episerver certification exam. 

May 18, 2017

Blend Nominated for Workplace Excellence Award

This week, Blend Interactive was nominated by the Sioux Empire Society for Human Resource Management (SESHRM) as a nominee for this year’s small business Workplace Excellence Awards.

July 7, 2016

Blend Supports Girls Who Code

Only a tiny fraction of women choose to major in computer science when they start college. Blend was featured in an article about what the Sioux Falls public schools are doing to buck that trend.

March 3, 2016

Blend Named Among 50 Best Places to Work

Blend Interactive was among a group of northern Plains businesses to be named the 50 Best Places to Work by Prairie Business Magazine.

September 4, 2015 | Prairie Business Magazine

Corey Vilhauer Featured in “25 Hottest Web Design Techniques”

A better web means a better experience for everyone. Users should be able to reach what they need without worrying about how they're accessing the internet. Our user experience strategist Corey Vilhauer put his spin on this list of 25 techniques.

August 10, 2015

Breaking Into the Business

College is great. Sporting events, new friends, all-nighters, and much more. But what happens on graduation day, when the real world barges in and its time to find a job? For a grad, it's not easy to break into an industry, even a booming one like the web.

March 4, 2014

Blend Wins the Trifecta for Texas Christian University

Blend Interactive was honored at South Dakota Advertising Federation ADDY Awards with a Best in Class award.

March 20, 2013