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Optimizely Release Notes — September / October 2021

The following release notes highlight major or interesting changes in Optimizely's products in September and October 2021.


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  • Optimizely
  • Development

Halloween has come and gone, and it’s time to take a look back at the new treats dropped within Optimizely over the past two months. Let’s take a look back at what’s been added for Optimizely features and updates.

Every few months, Blend reviews Optimizely (formerly Episerver) release notes in order to better understand how changes in Optimizely will affect existing and future projects. The following release notes highlight major or interesting changes in Optimizely’s products. For the full list of releases, visit Optimizely’s Release Notes.

For more information on how these changes might affect your project, or to reach out to Blend Interactive’s Gold-level development team, contact us today!

Feature updates.

Major feature updates in the past two months:

Optimization — removal of unnecessary LOH Heap Allocations.

An issue in Find (TrackQueryCommand.Execute) was causing unnecessary LOH Heap Allocations. This has since been resolved and closed.

(FIND-9462) — Product: Episerver Find v 13.26.6

Updated “Open In” text for edit link.

Some minor text updates:

  • “Open the link in a new window” now reads “Open in a new tab or window”
  • “Open the link in the whole window” now reads “Open in the full body of the window”

(CMS-19018) — Product: Episerver CMS UI v 12.0.3

CMS updates.

The last two months of updates focused on cleaning up and fixing key functionality within the CMS itself. This includes the following:

DXP deployment no longer creates default site.

After the first step of deployment to DXP, a new website would be created by default. This brought the new site to the existing environment, and developers could not view any pages except the Start page due to where the domain was pointed. This has been updated and fixed.

(CMS-20247) — Product: Episerver Cloud CMS v 1.0.1

Language and localization.

Two language issues were addressed; the version gadget was displaying incorrectly in some languages, and the entire Admin mode was not localized. Both have been addressed.

(CMS-18584) — Product: Episerver CMS UI v 12.0.3
(CMS-20093) — Product: Episerver CMS v 12.0.3

Additional CMS updates.

  • Model sync commits are more resilient (CMS-19730)
  • CollectionEditor no longer caches the metadata forever (CMS-20351)
  • Nested blocks no longer an issue (CMS-20128)
  • Button text in modals is more clear (CMS-19556)

Additional updates.

Finally, Optimizely has made some updates to the following:


A handful of fixes for the former Episerver Forms have been dropped over the past month:

  • Form element dependencies — specifically the “hide” class — is now functioning correctly (AFORM-2911)
  • Update to allow forms to submit multiple times (AFORM-2819)
  • Update to fix issue with changes saving due to a dependency (AFORM-2820)
  • Update to allow Quick Edit to work with a Form element (AFORM-2913)
  • Fix to prevent issues around edit windows when using Form elements (AFORM-2912)


Three bug fixes related to Find:

  • Invisible Mode would be disabled when using version 1 or 2 of Find - this has been addressed (FIND-9487)
  • Update to address a performance issue with TrackQueryCommand (FIND-9498)
  • Update to allow Best Bets titles and descriptions to auto-populate within Commerce content (FIND-9445)

Additional bug fixes.

A handful of bug fixes also went through over the past two months. Rather than list them all, feel free to visit the release notes page and filter by date.


Partners since 2008, Optimizely brings your project a best-in-class digital experience, backed by Blend’s years of experience.

Partners since 2008.

Blend has been working with Optimizely and Episerver since 2008, and was named North American Partner of the Year in 2009.

2024 Platinum Solution Partner.

Blend is a Platinum Solution Partner with four Optimizely certified developers on staff.

Setting you up for success.

Blend's history and experience developing custom Optimizely and Episerver solutions equips us to provide top-shelf co-development with your organization's existing development team.