With these tips, your association's site can stay ahead of the curve and be at its best. Get the tips here.
Thoughts from Blend Interactive
One of Blend’s core values is a dedication to advocacy and progress — to expand upon and give back to the community that fuels us. This is where those thoughts live.
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uMarketingSuite's Conversation with Joe Kepley Off-site link
uMarketingSuite interviews Blend Founder and CTO Joe Kepley to discuss how uMarketingSuite's tool has revolutionized our marketing efforts.
Improving Your Professional Association Site: Tips for Driving Engagement
Blend's CTO Joe Kepley has tips for how to increase website traffic and engagement for professional associations.
Episode 23: Plan for Post-Launch Operations (w/ Meghan Casey) Off-site link
Corey and Deane talk about the idea of a web operations framework. Then, Meghan Casey, content strategist and author of The Content Strategy Toolkit: Methods, Guidelines, and Templates for Getting Content Right, joins to talk about content governance and ongoing maintenance — how humans are nearly always the problem (but not the humans you might think), the things you can do to plan for post-launch content, and how to deromanticize the bit launch in favor of content maintenance.
Getting Started with Web Experimentation
Much like the early days of social media, digital experimentation is a rapidly expanding practice that promises to make big waves in the marketing world.
Optimizely Release Notes — July-August 2023
The following release notes highlight major or interesting changes in Optimizely's products from July and August 2023.
Keeping Your Website Fresh: 10 Post-Launch Web Tasks
A website's success doesn't hinge on what happens on launch day — it's an ongoing balance of maintenance and improvement after your site has already launched.
DXP and Optimization — Choosing Your Tools
Starting a plan to enhance your digital optimization, means finding your right tool set.
Episode 22: Test and Launch the Site (w/ Bob Davidson) Off-site link
Corey and Deane talk about the concept of the “Nails List.” Then, Bob Davidson, Director of Development at Blend Interactive, joins to talk about how to get your site ready for launch, what makes a good QA practitioner, the role of quality assurance and testing in the development process, and how to prep the site so it doesn’t fall over when exposed to the real world. We also spend a lot of time talking up Jenna Bonn, Blend’s QA Practice Manager.
Journaling as a Management Tool
In management, your team depends on you to help follow up on solving pain points and barriers. But, for the mind of an engineer with a spotty memory, managing this workload can be difficult. Blend's Director of Development Bob Davidson explains how he supplements his workflow with a mix of technology, process, and habit through daily journaling.
Are Summer Hours the New Normal Hours? Off-site link
For the past year, Blend has been studying the effects of a 36-work week and how embracing work-life balance, trust, and employee well-being leads to increased productivity, retention rates, and a positive workplace culture. In this month's article for Skrift, Karla walks us through the business decisions behind shifting "Summer Hours" to "Normal Hours."
Beyond Blend.
Blend doesn’t just write here: we also write books, create videos, and dive deep into our individual disciplines. Check out some of our external sources of knowledge.
The Web Project Guide
A phase-by-phase look at the web design and development process, providing context to each step.
Coding with Bob
A YouTube series by our director of development, focusing on .NET coding and Optimizely development.
Eating Elephant
A blog about content strategy, information architecture, and understanding user needs.