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A Forklift Toward a New System
Moving a site from Ektron to Episerver while still maintaining clarity and consistency.
When Ektron — a .NET content management system — was purchased by Episerver, several organizations required a unique set of development skills: namely, a firm that could both understand and migrate their Ektron-bound content into a new Episerver (now Optimizely) install.
This meant Blend, with our experience developing in both content management systems, was perfectly suited to help Mercury Systems migrate from their older Ektron site to their new Episerver site. In doing so, we were also able to infuse the Episerver site with the kind of efficiencies we’ve been implementing at a site build level for nearly a decade.
In the end, we were able to sunset the original Ektron site and bring every part of the current Mercury System site live on Episerver — both improving their efficiency and implementing a more simple content model in the process.
Partners since 2008, Optimizely brings your project a best-in-class digital experience, backed by Blend’s years of experience.
Partners since 2008.
Blend has been working with Optimizely and Episerver since 2008, and was named North American Partner of the Year in 2009.
2024 Platinum Solution Partner.
Blend is a Platinum Solution Partner with four Optimizely certified developers on staff.
Setting you up for success.
Blend's history and experience developing custom Optimizely and Episerver solutions equips us to provide top-shelf co-development with your organization's existing development team.
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Moving from Custom to Episerver
Sometimes the work Blend does goes unseen, and that’s by design. Which is exactly the case with our recent forklift of Builder Finance’s move to Episerver (now Optimizely).