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A Content Methodology Primer

Content work is not an art. It's a messy, sticky, multi-disciplinary process that begs for structure, consistency, and guidance. Learn more about building a content methodology with this content methodology primer.


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  • Content and IA

Branching off of his Eating Elephant post on building a content strategy methodology, our user experience strategist Corey Vilhauer was asked to contribute a primer on building maintaining a content methodology for the new Contents Magazine.

From the full post, "A Content Methodology Primer":

It’s romantic to think that content work is an art, all brandy, pipes, and wood grain. But it’s not. It’s a process. A messy, sticky, multi-disciplinary process that begs for structure, consistency, and guidance.

That’s a daunting task. Content wants to be messy. It wants to roll around in the mud. It wants to be gross. Our job is to pull it together—to take the guesswork out of creating and curating it—and to treat content work as something closer to a science.

To view the entire post, visit the new Contents Magazine.

Across the web.

Here are a few other places you might find Corey beyond Blend.

The Web Project Guide

Corey is co-author of The Web Project Guide: From Spark to Launch and Beyond.

The Web Project Guide Podcast

An extension of The Web Project Guide: a podcast about the different phases of building a site.

Eating Elephant

A blog about content strategy, information architecture, and understanding user needs.