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Thoughts from Blend Interactive
One of Blend’s core values is a dedication to advocacy and progress — to expand upon and give back to the community that fuels us. This is where those thoughts live.
Search Results List
CMP — The Missing Puzzle Piece
An introduction to Optimizely's Content Marketing Platform — a tool designed to bring ease to you and your marketing team.
Simplifying the Complexities of a Banking Site
We all know what we want from our bank: simple solutions for our hard-earned money. But we also know that banking isn't quite that easy, especially when it comes to communicating those simple solutions. Blend's CTO Joe Kepley explains some ways to improve financial site performance in this article.
uMarketingSuite's Conversation with Joe Kepley Off-site link
uMarketingSuite interviews Blend Founder and CTO Joe Kepley to discuss how uMarketingSuite's tool has revolutionized our marketing efforts.
Episode 23: Plan for Post-Launch Operations (w/ Meghan Casey) Off-site link
Corey and Deane talk about the idea of a web operations framework. Then, Meghan Casey, content strategist and author of The Content Strategy Toolkit: Methods, Guidelines, and Templates for Getting Content Right, joins to talk about content governance and ongoing maintenance — how humans are nearly always the problem (but not the humans you might think), the things you can do to plan for post-launch content, and how to deromanticize the bit launch in favor of content maintenance.
Getting Started with Web Experimentation
Much like the early days of social media, digital experimentation is a rapidly expanding practice that promises to make big waves in the marketing world.
DXP and Optimization — Choosing Your Tools
Starting a plan to enhance your digital optimization, means finding your right tool set.
DXP and Optimization - Setting Goals
Optimizing your website doesn't always require the budget of a Fortune 500 company. We're here to help guide small businesses toward enhancing their digital presence with the first in a three-part series: setting goals for web optimization.
How Audits Improve Your Site: Accessibility, Performance, and Design Audits
Much like we maintain our homes from season to season, our websites need periodic audits — to see what has changed and what has not. In this post, we focus on three specific types of audits: accessibility audits, performance audits, and design audits.
Web Analytics and HIPAA: How to Protect Your Site — and Your Users — From HIPAA Violations
Websites are built, for the most part, for humans. Yet, the humans who interact with our websites are largely anonymous. Blend's CTO Joe Kepley discusses how to balance the need for better information, with a user's right to privacy, especially with existing HIPAA standards.
What is DXP Really Going to Do For You?
So ... what IS DXP? And how do you navigate the different forms and add-ons available within a digital experience platform (DXP)? Blend CTO Joe Kepley discusses the ins and outs of DXP, including how to prioritize the rollout of new features.
Beyond Blend.
Blend doesn’t just write here: we also write books, create videos, and dive deep into our individual disciplines. Check out some of our external sources of knowledge.

The Web Project Guide
A phase-by-phase look at the web design and development process, providing context to each step.

Coding with Bob
A YouTube series by our director of development, focusing on .NET coding and Optimizely development.

Eating Elephant
A blog about content strategy, information architecture, and understanding user needs.