Have you been wanting to join the Blend team? Well, good news: We're hiring. Check out the full job details. 

Thoughts from Blend Interactive

One of Blend’s core values is a dedication to advocacy and progress — to expand upon and give back to the community that fuels us. This is where those thoughts live.

Search Results List

Web Accessibility: A Primer

Web accessibility has become a legal hot topic, but it’s also integral to creating a useful and usable web presence. This primer is designed to help you get a high-level view of what web accessibility is, how it affects your customers, and a little bit about what can be done to make sure our sites are accessible for everyone.

February 21, 2018

Build Your Digital Writing Toolbox

In advance of Now What? Workshops, we’re featuring short interviews with our smart and wonderful workshop speakers. This week, we talk to Scott Kubie about the idea of a digital writing toolbox — and what a toolbox does to help writers get better footing and facilitate collaboration.

January 30, 2018 | Scott Kubie

Content Structure: An Editor’s Perspective

In advance of Now What? Workshops, we’re featuring short interviews with our smart and wonderful workshop speakers. This week, we talk to Laura Creekmore about the basics of content structure, editorial structure, and how it helps both streamline and standardize the content we create for our site users.

January 12, 2018 | Laura Creekmore

Editorial Triggers: A GatherContent Advent Calendar Video Off-site link

Blend's Corey Vilhauer was invited to submit a video for GatherContent's 2017 Advent Calendar. He spoke about editorial triggers - a small but important addition to an organization's content calendar.

December 18, 2017 | Eating Elephant

Making Things Real: Content Strategy for Realistic Content Management Off-site link

This post is a psuedo-transcription of Corey Vilhauer's talk at Confab Central 2017, entitled “Making things real: Content strategy for realistic content management.” It has been recreated from notes and slides.

June 29, 2017 | Eating Elephant

“The Self-Directed Strategist” - Confab 2016

Blend’s User Experience Strategist Corey Vilhauer spoke this week at Confab Central 2016 in Minneapolis, Minnesota about building a content strategy practice and managing organizational change. 

May 21, 2016

Corey Vilhauer Featured in “25 Hottest Web Design Techniques”

A better web means a better experience for everyone. Users should be able to reach what they need without worrying about how they're accessing the internet. Our user experience strategist Corey Vilhauer put his spin on this list of 25 techniques.

August 10, 2015

What is Content Integration?

Making an attempt to invent a definition for a large chunk of what we do each day at Blend: content integration.

April 27, 2015

Kill Your Processes

The small details and the specific tools definitely matter. But there’s a need to break away from tools and begin learning to act on the fly.

April 5, 2015 | The Pastry Box Project

How to Prepare Your Site for Migration

With recent CMS platform mergers, many are looking at migrating off their current CMS and onto something new. Deane Barker explains what you can expect.

March 26, 2015

Beyond Blend.

Blend doesn’t just write here: we also write books, create videos, and dive deep into our individual disciplines. Check out some of our external sources of knowledge.

The Web Project Guide

A phase-by-phase look at the web design and development process, providing context to each step.

Coding with Bob

A YouTube series by our director of development, focusing on .NET coding and Optimizely development.

Eating Elephant

A blog about content strategy, information architecture, and understanding user needs.