With these tips, your association's site can stay ahead of the curve and be at its best. Get the tips here.

Thoughts from Blend Interactive

One of Blend’s core values is a dedication to advocacy and progress — to expand upon and give back to the community that fuels us. This is where those thoughts live.

Search Results List

Episode 5: Identify Your Audiences (w/ Erika Hall) Off-site link

Corey and Deane talk about Bleachers, music producers, and how understanding your audience increases effectiveness. Then, Erika Hall, author of Just Enough Research, joins the podcast to talk about interviewing the people who will visit your site — how to frame interviews, effective incentives, and the difference between researching assumptions versus learning about your users.

March 15, 2022 | The Web Project Guide Podcast

No CMS Is a (SEO) Magic Bullet: A Quick Guide on SEO Within the CMS

A common misunderstanding is that one CMS is better at SEO than others. The success of your SEO relies on more than just your platform - it relies on content, plugins and the algorithm.

October 27, 2021

Why Planning Matters

Web teams need plans. Ongoing planning can result in higher ROI, improved long-term site health and an optimized experience for editors and site visitors.

August 4, 2021

Digital Optimization is for Marketers

The expectations and demands of digital marketing managers have increased dramatically. Account Success Manager Taylor Lopour talks about how digital optimization can help.

May 18, 2021

Adapting to Disruption

In web, it’s been one for change, adaptation, and innovation. And 2020 has been a year of change. 

October 30, 2020

A Glossary of Site Search Terms

Better understand the scope of your site search with this site search glossary.

September 23, 2020

Understanding Site Search — Part Four: Choosing the Right Solution

How do you choose the right search engine for your site search? In part four of our site search series, we look at making the final decision.

September 23, 2020

Understanding Site Search — Part Three: How Will You Organize Results?

When results are displayed in your site search, will they be relevant? In part three our site search series, we talk about organizing and displaying results.

September 23, 2020

Understanding Site Search — Part Two: What Content Will You Search?

You might want to search it all. Or, you might want to search a small section. In part two of our site search series, we look at how to choose what's indexed in your site search.

September 23, 2020

Understanding Site Search — Part One: How Search Works

Before we can make decisions about site search, we need to understand how it works. In part one of our site search series, we look at how search works.

September 23, 2020

Beyond Blend.

Blend doesn’t just write here: we also write books, create videos, and dive deep into our individual disciplines. Check out some of our external sources of knowledge.

The Web Project Guide

A phase-by-phase look at the web design and development process, providing context to each step.

Coding with Bob

A YouTube series by our director of development, focusing on .NET coding and Optimizely development.

Eating Elephant

A blog about content strategy, information architecture, and understanding user needs.