Blend has upgraded from Gold to Platinum Partnership with Umbraco! Read the full press release.

Search Results

We sincerely hope you find what you are looking for. And, if not, contact us. We’d be happy to help.

Search Results List

Turning Chapters Into Search Results

How Blend prepared the twenty-four chapters of The Web Project Guide for future search.

Strategic Planning for a Storied University

Developing a content plan that can be maintained by an existing on-site development team.

What is Content Integration?

Making an attempt to invent a definition for a large chunk of what we do each day at Blend: content integration.

April 27, 2015

So ... What Is Discovery?

Building a website is like building a house — each decision is built upon the decisions that came before. Just as an architect doesn’t just throw a number at you and begin working on blueprints, we don’t begin working on a project until we fully understand the scope. We do that through our discovery process.

March 6, 2020

Three Reasons Website Content Fails

While you can target advertising to drive visitors to your website, there is no guarantee that a visitor will respond to a campaign in the way you expect.

May 9, 2014

Kill Your Processes

The small details and the specific tools definitely matter. But there’s a need to break away from tools and begin learning to act on the fly.

April 5, 2015 | The Pastry Box Project

The Need for Content Operations

We implement content management as a practice, and we've seen two patterns over and over again: organizations are either not prepared to use, or not fully using, the CMS.

March 6, 2020

Digital Optimization is for Marketers

The expectations and demands of digital marketing managers have increased dramatically. Account Success Manager Taylor Lopour talks about how digital optimization can help.

May 18, 2021

Empathy and Content Strategy

Our goal as web practitioners is to create a site that’s easy for the end user to navigate and participate within. But are we ensuring the same thing for the site’s editors?

October 11, 2012

Simplifying the Complexities of a Banking Site

We all know what we want from our bank: simple solutions for our hard-earned money. But we also know that banking isn't quite that easy, especially when it comes to communicating those simple solutions. Blend's CTO Joe Kepley explains some ways to improve financial site performance in this article.

February 22, 2024