With these tips, your association's site can stay ahead of the curve and be at its best. Get the tips here.

Thoughts from Blend Interactive

One of Blend’s core values is a dedication to advocacy and progress — to expand upon and give back to the community that fuels us. This is where those thoughts live.

Search Results List

The Investment Lifecycle of a Website

Your website is more than just a launch; it's a long-term investment that continues to need ongoing attention and care. 

August 14, 2024

Always Learning: Five Lessons From My First Five Years

Director of Project Management Nick Cobb navigates the biggest lessons he's learned as a project manager since entering the web industry. 

May 8, 2024

Redmine: Blend's Project Management Tool

A project management tool that benefits everyone involved — not just the project manager. 

April 25, 2024

How Developer Cross-training Helps Projects Succeed

Cross-training developers results in increased productivity, more collaboration, and better results for client projects. 

October 24, 2023

Episode 24: Maintain and Improve (w/ David Hobbs) Off-site link

Corey and Deane discuss the people and rules that help run a website after launch. Then, David Hobbs, author of Website Product Management: Keeping Focused During Change, joins to talk about transferring a site from a project to a product — what that means to keep the site going after launch, where it most often fails, and how to streamline requests and set reasonable expectations for the future of the site.

October 17, 2023 | The Web Project Guide Podcast

Episode 23: Plan for Post-Launch Operations (w/ Meghan Casey) Off-site link

Corey and Deane talk about the idea of a web operations framework. Then, Meghan Casey, content strategist and author of The Content Strategy Toolkit: Methods, Guidelines, and Templates for Getting Content Right, joins to talk about content governance and ongoing maintenance — how humans are nearly always the problem (but not the humans you might think), the things you can do to plan for post-launch content, and how to deromanticize the bit launch in favor of content maintenance.

September 20, 2023 | The Web Project Guide Podcast

Keeping Your Website Fresh: 10 Post-Launch Web Tasks

A website's success doesn't hinge on what happens on launch day — it's an ongoing balance of maintenance and improvement after your site has already launched.

August 21, 2023

Episode 18: Select an Implementation Partner (w/ Tony Byrne) Off-site link

Corey and Deane discuss what clients should look for when selecting an implementation partner. Then, Tony Byrne, co-author of The Right Way to Select Technology and President of Real Story Group, joins to talk through the implementation partner selection process, including common mistakes, the value of domain knowledge, and how most projects should focus on technology first.

April 13, 2023 | The Web Project Guide Podcast

An Introduction to Sprints and Sprint Planning

Life is full of complicated projects — event planning, construction, and, yes, building a website. This introduction to sprints and sprint planning will illustrate how we keep it all moving forward.

February 13, 2023

Internship Recap: Summer 2022

Summer is starting to wind down, and it's almost time to say goodbye to Blend's summer 2022 interns. Before the two head back off to college, hear what they have to say about their time here at Blend!

July 28, 2022

Beyond Blend.

Blend doesn’t just write here: we also write books, create videos, and dive deep into our individual disciplines. Check out some of our external sources of knowledge.

The Web Project Guide

A phase-by-phase look at the web design and development process, providing context to each step.

Coding with Bob

A YouTube series by our director of development, focusing on .NET coding and Optimizely development.

Eating Elephant

A blog about content strategy, information architecture, and understanding user needs.